Webmaster:   Peter Hoekje   Editor@earlyjas.org
Earlville Association for Ragtime Lovers Yearning for
Jazz Advancement and Socialization
Click "Choose File" to select the file to upload,
fill out your name, email address, and any comments,
then click "Upload".

* indicates required fields
Your name: *
Your email: *

Press this button when ready.

If you submit a sound file with your part, portions or all
of it will be combined with other submissions to create
a new version! It would be best if we could not hear
the existing part, so listen to it in headphones as
you play along and record just your instrument.
To help us synchronize your part with the others,
it would be helpful for you to count out,
at the beginning along with the count in.

You are also encouraged to submit the starter file for
another tune so that we can build our repertoire!

Please submit sound files only, due to the size limit
of 32 MB. If you are submitting a WAV file that
exceeds this size, try saving it as MONO, or else
try submitting just two choruses at a time. We ask for your email for confirmation of your
submission only; it will not be shared with anyone
else or used in any other way.
Your first name only will be published in a list
of performers for each file. If you have a special
request for the name used or for any other reason,
please indicate this in the commments.

For more information, send a message to editor@earlyjas.org