All EARLYJAS concerts and jam sessions will take place at the British
American Club, 8564 Ravenna Rd., Twinsburg, OH  44087  (330) 963 6370
Directions to British American Club (BAC):

From South:  Route 91 N through Hudson to Old Mill Rd. or Stow Road
N. dead ends at Old Mill, Turn right (East) to Ravenna Road.  Turn Left
to 8564 on left, 1/2 mile.

From West and North: I 271 S to I 480 E to Twinsburg, Rt. 82 exit.   
Turn left on 82, cross Rt 91, stay until 82 bears left, Ravenna Rd bears
right.  Bear right on Ravenna to 8564 on the right, 1/2 mile.

From East:
From Ohio Turnpike, exit at Streetsboro, I 480 West.  Take I 480 West to
first exit, Frost Rd. Turn right at end of ramp, and quick left at 1st light
to dead end.  Turn left at dead end. This will become Ravenna Rd.  
When you pass Old Mill Rd it is about 1/2 mile on left.

From Aurora: 82 West to Herrick Rd., left over RR tracks to Ravenna Rd.,
left to British American Club. Watch for the flags. 
Editor, Webmaster:  Peter H

Do you enjoy Traditional Jazz?   
Some of the benefits of EARLYJAS :
+ Jam sessions for fun and practice
+ Contact with other jazz enthusiasts
+ Promote the history and culture of
Traditional Jazz and Ragtime
PO Box 706
Berea, OH  44017

President --  Barry Zimmer
Treasurer -- Peter Hoekje
Secretary -- J.D. Sanders
Earlville Association for Ragtime Lovers Yearning for
Jazz Advancement and Socialization
Mojo Strut
Hot Jazz 7


For more information, send a message to editor@earlyjas.org
EARLYJAS Club Calendar:  2024

Sunday 29 December 2024 2:00-5:00 pm
Sunday 26 January 2025 2:00-5:00 pm
Sunday 23 February 2025 2:00-5:00 pm

Regular EARLYJAS jams occur on the last Sunday of each month at the British- American club in Twinsburg, OH, and are OPEN TO ALL! Musicians of all levels are welcome to sit in and play with us, and everyone is invited to listen and to dance! Refreshments are available from the bar at the back. There is no charge for admission to the jam session. Please respect any health and safety policies of the club.


Check out our new EARLYJAS Caps!. Pick one up at the next jam!